Ways to increase penis length and width at home, theory and practice

A man wonders how to enlarge the penis

How is penis enlargement done at home, theory and practice of the procedure. How can I increase a man's penis in thickness and length? Special exercises and the right massage for the volume of the male penis. All popular procedures and techniques in our article.

Penis enlargement at home: theory

Many men are dissatisfied with the size of the penis: some are dissatisfied with the length, others worry about the diameter. Experiences bring mistakes in intimate life. A man focuses on the fact that the dimensions of dignity are lacking and cannot adjust to sex.

Nothing depends on the size that the male organ has. A partner can get maximum pleasure provided that the man has a small phallus. For a man, this is fully true: he can feel unearthly pleasure, no matter how long and thick his dignity is.

Therefore, if suddenly you are not satisfied with the size of the penis, do not be upset, you can try to increase it at home. This is simple: you need to choose an effective method and use it until you get a permanent result.

A woman can have pleasure regardless of penis size

Most men are skeptical that it is possible to enlarge the phallus at home. Before trying in practice any technique or exercise offered by unknown authors on websites, it is necessary to make sure that they are safe for men's health.

You should not use methods that increase the penis without caution, without consulting a specialist on the subject. First you have to decide whether a penis enlargement is necessary in the individual case.

If the length when erect is less than 8 cm, the size is considered insufficient. This does not mean that real enlargement of the male genital organ is required in such a situation. If everything suits a man and a soul mate, then there is no need to worry and no action should be taken.

It is theoretically realistic to enlarge the penis, but there is more than one way to do it. The male organ consists of three chambers that fill with blood when aroused. The magnitude of a man's dignity depends on the amount of blood that fills the phallus at the moment an erection occurs.

In order for the process to take place, an increase in the volume of blood supplied to the organ must be achieved. This is possible through targeted exercises. If you perform the exercises systematically, the ideal length and thickness penis will not only exist in the imagination.

in thickness

Vacuum pump - a device for penis enlargement

The following methods and devices are used to work on the diameter of the penis:

  • vacuum pump- The method is effective if the representative of the stronger sex has problems with potency. This device is a cylindrical container equipped with a pump. The genital organ is placed in a cylinder and the pump begins pumping out air until slight discomfort occurs.
  • Manual- consists in the application of exercises performed with the use of lubricants, consisting mainly of stretching and squeezing different parts of the penis. To achieve the effect, the limb must be in an erect state;
  • renewal– The thickness can be increased by stretching with a special tool. The genital organ is inserted into the device and the head is fixed with a silicone tube. The work is done by stretching the tissues. In this case, it is possible not only to increase the diameter and length of the phallus, but also to get rid of its curvature;
  • The use of hormonal drugs- The greatest demand is for drugs containing testosterone and gonadotropin. Hormones should be used with caution as they can be harmful to health. It is forbidden to use medicines without prior consultation with a doctor.
Increasing the diameter and length of the phallus is carried out with the help of an extender


There are two effective exercises that help increase a man's dignity:

  1. Before performing the exercise, the phallus must be warmed up. You take a bag of salt, heat it to a temperature of 40 degrees and apply it to the male organ for 10-15 minutes. This time is enough to raise the temperature to the desired values. After this, the penis must be brought into a state of weak erection and liberally applied with a lubricant specially designed for this purpose. Then with two fingers (index finger and thumb) they press firmly on the base and pull it towards the head. Start the exercise with 40-50 repetitions, in the future the number is adjusted to 200.
  2. The preparation for the second exercise is similar to that indicated in the first case. The male organ is pinched over the area with a palm and strongly pressed (there should be no pain). In this position, dignity is gently pulled in all directions. With simple manipulations, you can increase the length of the phallus by an average of 2 cm in a month.

other methods

The representative of the stronger sex wants to greatly enlarge the penis, even without any need. If it is important for a woman what size the breasts are, then men are concerned about making the phallus thicker and longer.

In addition to the above methods that promote penis growth, the following methods are used:

  • massage– Before the massage, it is recommended to warm up the phallus.

    You take a towel, moisten it with hot water (the temperature should be higher than body temperature), squeeze it out and wrap it around the penis. This manipulation is repeated 2-3 times. The massage begins with light stroking and kneading, then strokes are added (performed towards the head).

    It is important to remember that the skin of manhood is sensitive, it is necessary to massage with a sufficient amount of lubricant and with care.

  • charge therapy- Hanging weights from the penis gives good results but can cause injury.

    With the help of an adhesive plaster, a rope with a weight is attached to the head for several minutes (the weight of the weight is gradually increased, as is the duration of the procedure). With the method it is only possible to increase the length of a rod.

  • Thanks to the nozzles, you can quickly enlarge a man's penis
  • penis attachments- They play the role of a kind of prosthesis, with the help of which they increase not only the length, but also the volume of manhood;

  • Various ointments, gels, creams- are mainly aimed at improving blood flow to the penis, which increases its size.

  • cold compress- The folk method is based on the ability of blood vessels to contract and expand.

    For a compress, take a glass of crushed ice and apply it to the scrotum. The procedure constricts the blood vessels that contaminate the manhood, and then when the spasm from exposure to low temperatures has passed, the vessels dilate. As a result, the volume of blood that fills the penis and the size increases.

It is impossible to determine which of the methods is effective and how the mechanism works without testing it yourself.